[계산이론] Equivalence of Deterministic and Nondeterministic Finite Accepteres
finite accepter의 equivalence는 두 accepter가 accept하는 set이 동일하고, reject하는 set이 동일하다고 정의.
Two finite accepters, $M_{1}$ and $M_{2}$, are said to be equivalent if
L(M_{1}) = L(M_{2}),
that is, if they both accept the same language.
Let $L$ be the language accepted by a nondeterministic finite accepter $M_{N} = (Q_{N}, \Sigma, \delta_{N}, q_{0}, F_{N} )$. Then there exists a deterministic finite accepter $M_{D} = (Q_{D}, \Sigma, \delta_{D}, { q_{0} }, F_{D})$ such that
L = L(M_{D})
Proof: Given $M_{N}$, we use the procedure nfa-to-dfa below to construct the transition graph $G_{D}$ for $M_{D}$. To understand the construction, remember that $G_{D}$ has to have certain properties. Every vertex must have exactly $|\Sigma|$ outgoing edges, each labeled with a different element of $\Sigma$. During the construction, some of the edges may be missing, but the procedure continues until they are all there.
procedure: nfa-to-dfa
- Create a graph $G_{D}$ with vertex ${q_{0} }$. Identify this vertex as the initial vertex.
- Repeat the following steps until no more edges are missing.
Take any vertex ${ q_{i} , q_{j} , \cdots , q_{k} }$ of $G_{D}$ that has no outgoing edge for some $a \in \Sigma$. Compute $ \delta_{N}^{ \ast } ( q_{i} , a)$, $\delta_{N}^{\ast} (q_{j}, a)$, ... $\delta_{N}^{\ast} (q_{k}, a)$. If
\delta_{N}^{\ast} (q_{i}, a) \cup \delta_{N}^{\ast}(q_{j}, a) \cup \cdots \cup \delta_{N}^{\ast}(q_{k}, a) = { q_{l}, q_{m}, \cdots, q_{n} },
create a vertex for $G_{D}$ labeled ${q_{l} , q_{m} , \cdots, q_{n} }$ if it does not already exist.
Add to $G_{D}$ an edge from ${ q_{i}, q_{j}, \cdots, q_{k} }$ to ${ q_{l}, q_{m}, \cdots, q_{n} }$ and label it with $a$. - Every state of $G_{D}$ whose label contains any $q_{f} \in F_{N}$ is identified as a final vertex.
- If $M_{N}$ accepts $\lambda$, the vertex ${ q_{0} }$ in $G_{D}$ is also made a final vertex.
결국 NFA의 상태들의 집합을 DFA의 하나의 상태로 대응시키는 과정.